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BA Fine Art Painting at Wimbledon College of Arts, University of the Arts London:

Painting at Wimbledon College of Arts -

Artist in Residence opportunity:


We are looking for an artist to be in residence in the Painting pathway at Wimbledon College of Arts for five weeks in the Autumn term.

(The exact dates of the residency can be negotiated with the selected artist but it would ideally run from early November until early December.)


The resident will occupy two adjoining spaces within which to make work - open weekdays - as well as have use of the college's woodwork shop, print facilities, library and special collections. One of the spaces has built-in desk space with Mac desktop - shared with our graduate intern - and the other is unfurnished for sole occupancy as a studio. There will be a £200 stipend for materials and travel costs up to £50 for moving in and out of the space will be paid.


The residency relates to our research thematic:


Through this thematic we are looking at:


We will prioritise applications, which acknowledge a relationship to this research theme.


Our artist in residence is invited to:


* make work and conduct research in the spaces allocated, using the time and space to further the concerns of their own practice without demand on specific forms or output.


* consider the thematic as relevant to their own practice - at the point of application - and be prepared to engage with the research concerns of the department.


* give one paid talk to undergraduate students, locating your practice in context, followed up by a related study/reading group session.


* open the studio for short periods during the residency so that small groups of students can visit.


* engage in 2 days of paid studio teaching as part of the residency - this could include one-to-one tutorials, group crits or workshops - in negotiation. If you are new to teaching we can carry out teaching observations and support you in this.


Person specification:


You are:


* A practising artist looking for dedicated time, space and workshop access to progress your research.

* An artist with a distinct relationship to painting and its expanded field

* Familiar with the nature, demands and discourses of Fine Art education

* An artist with a potential or acknowledged relationship to the current research theme of our department, Painting as Technology. Please see

* Willing to engage with communities of practice at Wimbledon College of Arts - its staff and student bodies, involving our students in your proposed research.


To apply:


Please create a folder containing the following:


A CV, five images/clips of recent works (as Jpeg or Mpeg files), a covering letter (no more than 850 words) introducing your practice, outlining your plans for the residency and suggesting ways in which you could engage our students in your work.


Please then email a link to the folder in Dropbox to by midnight on 15 January. (Please do not send files as attachments.) We will email a receipt to acknowledge your application.


Interviews will take place on xxx. Please only apply if you are available to meet on this date. We will only provide feedback to applicants selected for interview.


Any questions about this residency in advance of the deadline can be directed to Zoë Mendelson, Course Leader for BA Fine Art Painting at the same address.

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